When people pass away in either without Wills or having written their Wills in Colchester or other locations throughout Essex, it is to be noted that the settlement of their affairs could prove to be a process that is somewhat complex to resolve even with regard to the most simple estates. By way of illustration, even in the most easy of cases, there will be a need to obtain the lawful authority to deal with a deceased person’s estate in locations including Colchester. This was to be achieved by going through the probate process including closing down bank accounts, make the necessary claims for pay outs on policies of life insurance, resolve any debts and distribute their estate to the beneficiaries as they have been set out in that individual’s Will.

In the event that the writing of Wills in Colchester or other locations throughout Essex had been completed prior to the deceased party’s passing, the executor(s) named must make an application to the Probate Registry for a Grant of Representation to then be able to settle and distribute their estate. However, if there are no Wills in Colchester or a lack of executors then the position is somewhat more complex to resolve because the deceased’s next of kin will have to apply for Letters of Administration to handle their estate.

There is also a need to recognise the fact that probate might not be necessary with a view to dealing with those estates that have a limited value (i.e. those worth less than £5000) in places like Colchester. In such cases, banks could release the deceased’s funds upon the production of a death certificate. However, even where probate is not required, there is still a need to distribute the estate of the deceased according to the terms of their will or (where there is not one in place) according to the rules of intestacy. In any case, professional help may help to ease the burden on the part of the executor to ensure the process is as quick and efficient as it possibly when it comes to Wills in Colchester and other locations throughout Essex whilst also helping to avoid the possibility of negative family issues arising.

Contact Andrew Douglas Wills and Legal Services today to see how we could help you to get your affairs in order to protect both yours and your loved ones best interests when it comes to writing Wills in Colchester and in other locations throughout Essex.

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