In the second of a series of articles to have been completed about effective planning for your children’s university education, this article will show why it is important to understand why there is a need to avoid relying upon the ‘Bank of Granny and Grandad’ by wisely investing in Colchester . . .

Research to have been completed on behalf of Aegis Financial Planning found that approximately one fifth (20%) of all grandparents are contributing or planning to contribute to children’s university costs, to the tune of approximately £2,402 on average per year due to parents not wisely investing in Colchester to cover these costs.

Sadly, the reality is that this situation is often barely the tip of a rather large iceberg!

This is because the research completed on behalf of Aegis Financial Planning also found that approximately one quarter (25%) of grandparents are already contributing financially to the everyday family expenses of both their children and their grandchildren year-on-year. More specifically, of these particular grandparents, it was recognised that around 12% of parents say that their child’s grandparents currently contribute financially to holidays, 4% to school fees, and 3% respectively to building projects and childcare, while 2% are contributing to a property deposit due to parents not wisely investing in Colchester.

For more information for those that are concerned about wisely investing in Colchester to avoid having to rely upon the ‘Bank of Granny and Grandad’, please contact our dedicated Essex-based staff at Andrew Douglas Wills and Legal Services now via or on:

01376 348 997

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