Probate in Braintree and throughout the UK can be a straightforward process. With this in mind, once representation has been granted in probate it is necessary to look to go through a number of key steps as follows –


(i) Contact organisations to get hold of the person’s assets

You should send a copy of the grant of representation to relevant organisations (for example, the person’s bank). These organisation should then ‘release’ the assets so you can transfer them into the executorship account through the process of probate in Braintree and in other locations in the UK. By way of illustration, if the person had a pension, contact the organisation – a surviving spouse (or civil partner) may be entitled to money from it.

(ii) Pay any debts or outstanding payments

Once you have contacted all the organisations, pay off any debts the person had through the process of probate in Braintree and throughout the UK. This process could include:

(a) outstanding bills

(b) tax owed

As the executor or administrator you have a legal responsibility to pay off any debts or outstanding payments before distributing the estate. You can use money from the estate to pay any solicitor’s fees as part of the probate process.

(iii) Distribute the estate

Once all debts and and taxes have been paid, you can distribute the estate as detailed:

(a) in the will

(b) using the law, if there is no will

After this you should prepare the estate accounts. These accounts must be approved and signed, by both you and the main beneficiaries.

With this in mind, you are advised to seek assistance from a service provider like Andrew Douglas Wills and Legal Services so as to then give you further advice about the way in which the process of probate in Braintree and other locations throughout Essex is to be completed.


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