Protecting You And Your Family’s Interests

Life Assurance and Critical Illness Insurance

Andrew Douglas Wills and Legal Services recognises the importance of providing the people of Essex with protection for both themselves and their families and loved ones so as to then give you the peace of mind you need.

Thanks to the work of another of our trusted partners, we are proud to be able to offer you a complete protection service through the provision of the most cost-effective and beneficial products on the market that you would be unable to find for yourself without the aid of a professional.

For example, our trusted partner is able to provide you with advice related to key areas of protection including Life Assurance. With this in mind, with an effective policy put into place tailored to your needs and economic circumstances, it is possible to then give you the comfort of knowing that your loved ones will be provided for in the event of your passing with your Life Assurance cover.

At the same time, our trusted partner will also explain to you why there are many different ways to be able to arrange Life Assurance and help you to find the most appropriate plan for you. For example, when linked to a mortgage, Life Assurance guarantees that, in the event of your passing, your mortgage will be fully repaid through the provision of Level Term (i.e. a set level of cover for the term you choose) or Decreasing Term (i.e. the payout decreases in line with the reduction in the value of the mortgage) Assurance.

In a similar way to with the provision of Life Assurance options, Andrew Douglas Wills and Legal Services trusted partner is also able to provide you with the best Critical Illness Insurance options. However, whilst Life Assurance only pays out at the time of your passing, Critical Illness insurance pays out at the time of your being diagnosed with certain specific critical illnesses.

Nevertheless, it would also be true to say that, much like with the premiums that need to be paid for a Life Assurance policy, the younger you are, the cheaper the premiums could potentially be for you. As a result, it is possible that, for a relatively small amount, you could help yourself and your family cope for a significant period of time without income to pay household bills and debts with a Critical Illness Insurance pay out of a lump sum at what is often a very stressful time. In addition, dependent upon the size of the lump sum payout, other significant expenditures including private treatment, drugs not available via the National Health Service, changes to your home and paying off all or part of your mortgage


On this basis, it would be true to say that working with our trusted partner can allow you to relax knowing their team of experts are always at hand to help you not only with Life and Critical Illness insurance but may also be able to help you with other forms of protection including –

  • Income Protection Insurance
  • Accident, Sickness and Unemployment Insurance
  • Building and Contents Insurance.

Why not give Andrew Douglas Wills and Legal Services a call directly or e-mail us at today with your name, telephone number, service you require and a convenient time to call you back in locations throughout Essex including Braintree, Chelmsford and Colchester?

One of our trusted partners’ independent financial advisors will then get in touch with you at the appropriate time and take you through the process from start to finish to see how much money we could potentially save for you whilst providing you and your family and loved ones with the protection you require with no obligation.