When it comes to the matter of unclaimed estates, all too many potential beneficiaries have no idea about how to making a claim for this kind of estate. With this in mind, Laura Richardson’s latest article looks to fill in the details for you now . . .
If someone dies without making a valid Will and there are no living relatives who could inherit the Estate under the Laws of Intestacy, then usually the whole of the Estate, including property, assets, personal belongings, and cash, is claimed by the Crown as ‘bona vacantia’ (ownerless property). However, under some circumstances, you may be able to make a claim for a grant of money from these kinds of unclaimed estates. You do not have to be a relative of the deceased in order to make a claim, but you must meet one or more of the following criteria:
- You lived together with the deceased person but were not legally married. Under this criterion, it doesn’t matter if you lived together with the deceased as their partner or as a friend.
- You provided services without charge for the deceased person. For example, you undertook elements of their care, household tasks such as washing, cleaning, or shopping, or perhaps you carried out handiwork or upkeep on the deceased’s home.
- You are a member of a charity or other organisation that cared for the deceased at “considerable expense”.
If you meet any of the above criteria then you may be able to claim a “discretionary grant” from the deceased person’s estate from these kinds of unclaimed estates. Your application should be made in writing to the: Government Legal Department, Bona Vacantia Division, PO Box 70165, London, WC1A 9HG. Your application should give as much detail as possible supporting your claim for a grant to be made.
If you would like any advice regarding the matter of unclaimed estates, or if you have not yet made a Will and are concerned about who would inherit your estate should you die intestate, contact Andrew Douglas Wills & Legal Services. As specialists in this area of law, we can offer you the best advice for your personal situation, based on our extensive experience and knowledge. What’s more, we offer a free initial consultation in the comfort of your own home to discuss your needs. Therefore, whether in Colchester or the surrounding areas of Essex, call today to take the first step towards your peace of mind.
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