With regard to the matter of the importance of Will writing in Essex (or anywhere else for that matter!), you need to recognised that a Will is particularly valuable because it can let you decide what happens to your money, property and possessions after your death along with ensuring that you do not pay more Inheritance Tax than you need to.

Therefore, it would seem to be true to say that Will writing in Essex should be considered to be an essential part of your financial planning. This is because it avoids having your estate divided according to the rules of intestacy that may not reflect your wishes so your loved ones, relatives, friends and favourite charities may get nothing.

Consequently, it would seem to be true to say that planning ahead can give you the peace of mind that your loved ones can cope financially without you and, at a difficult time, helps remove the stress that monetary worries can bring by ensuring everything you own goes where you want it to in keeping with your wishes.

On this basis, it is also advisable to review your Will every five years and after any major change in your life, such as getting separated, married or divorced, having a child, or moving house.

With this in mind, there are a number of circumstances when it is particularly important to complete the process of Will writing sooner rather than later, including if you are not married or are not in a registered same-sex civil partnership. This is because the law does not automatically recognise cohabitants (partners who live together) as having the same rights as husbands, wives and civil partners. As a result, even if you have lived together for many years, your cohabitant may be left with nothing if you have not completed the Will writing process in Essex.

A Will is also vital if you have children or dependents who may not be able to care for themselves due to their age or disability. This is because without a valid Will in place, there could be uncertainty about who will look after or provide for them in the event that you die.

Other good reasons to make a Will include – (a) if you are divorced, you can decide whether to leave anything to your
former partner; (b) you can make sure you do not pay more Inheritance Tax than necessary; (c) in an effort to avoid people you do not want to benefit making a claim on your estate when you die because they depend on you financially; (d) your permanent home is not in the UK or you are not a British citizen; (e) you live in the UK but you have overseas property; and (f) You own all or part of a business.

For more information with regard to the completion of the process of Will writing in Essex, contact our dedicated Essex-based staff at Andrew Douglas Wills and Legal Services now via www.andrewdouglaswills.co.uk or on:

01376 348 997

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