In the third of a series of articles to have been completed about effective planning for your children’s university education, it is recognised that it is important to understand there is very often a need for young people to choose between a university education and a first home when it comes to their parents wisely investing in Colchester . . .

Research that was completed on behalf of Aegis Financial Planning found that approximately one third (33%) of all students surveyed said that they actually had a savings and investment scheme which their families had ‘earmarked’ for their future by wisely investing in Colchester.

It is then also to be noted that the research completed on behalf of Aegis Financial Planning recognised that approximately half of all of these students (51%) wanted the money to go towards their first property, 44% wanted to spend it on university costs and a final free-spirited 16% wanted to spend the money on travelling as a result of their families wisely investing in Colchester. That this proved to be the case is because most current university students and their families are fully aware that they may face leaving with massive debts as well as a degree.

However, it is possible for parents to act now to ease the financial burden by not being afraid to seek professional advice with a view to making further education-related choices for your children now even if they are years away from actually going to university.

For more information for those concerned about why there is often a need for young people to choose between a university education and a first home by wisely investing in Colchester, please contact our dedicated Essex-based staff at Andrew Douglas Wills and Legal Services now via or on:

01376 348 997

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