Aggressive practices in Braintree and throughout the UK are not recommended for businesses under the Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008 because it is actually possible too be ‘too aggressive’ with potential consumers.
By way of illustration, Regulation 7(1) of the Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008 provides that a commercial practice may be deemed to be ‘too aggressive’ in the event that –
“taking account of all its features and circumstances, by harassment, coercion, including the use of physical force, or undue influence,  it significantly impairs or is likely significantly to impair the average consumer’s freedom of choice or conduct in relation to the product concerned through the use of harassment, coercion or undue influence; and …. it thereby causes or is likely to cause him to take a transactional decision he would not have taken otherwise.”
From the remit of this Regulation, we can see that there can be an ‘aggressive practice’ on the basis of undue influence, harassment or coercion; and, in all cases, as with ‘misleading practices’ so long as there is an actual or likely ‘transactional decision’ that would not otherwise be taken on the part of consumers leading to criminal liability on the part of your business.

Contact Andrew Douglas Wills and Legal Services today via to see how we could help you to get your  approach to business rights and avoid unnecessarily aggressive practices in Braintree and throughout Essex.

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